What to Expect

We believe in putting the person first – listening to what they want and need and working to achieve that 

We believe in a team approach – that more minds working problems yields better results 

We believe in being accessible and punctual – If you reach out with a question you will get a response within 24hrs

We believe in honesty – if we don’t know the answer we will let you know. However, we will continue our search to gather the most relevant information to answer that question. 

You’re new to the Home and Community Based Service System and you chose People First Support Coordination .…what happens next?

You will be contacted by our intake specialist. The intake specialist will set up a time to meet you to discuss anything and everything related to you or your family member. We will work with you to create the Individual Support Plan or ISP.  The Intake Specialist is knowledgeable and can answer a lot of the questions you will have when entering this system.  They will help identify any needs you or your family member may have and guide you toward a plan to get those needs met.  Once the Intake Coordinator has completed your individualized plan, a Supports Coordinator will be assigned so they can implement the plan that was created.  

Transferring from another Supports Coordination organization to People First Supports Coordination…What happens next?

If you are interested in switching to People First Supports Coordination, call your county administration office where you are registered and request a change. The county will provide you with options and a consent form. Once transferred to us, our office will be in touch to schedule a time to meet with you. You will receive a call from one of our Supervisors who will be assisting you so they can get a sense of what is going on and what the needs are. They will also give you their contact information should you need something and your assigned SC is not available.  After that, the SC will reach out to schedule an initial monitoring so everyone can meet in person and further discuss issues/needs and develop a plan.